Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Nine Months Old!

At 9 months, there are a lot of things Morgan can do. She can sit up by herself for long periods of time. She can shovel food into her mouth & use the spoon as a drumstick. She can make all kinds of noise, interract & communicate with her friends. She can rip anything to shreds, especially if it is a very important document that should be out of her reach. She can throw fits at any time for any random reason.
However, the one thing she can't quite do yet is....

CRAWL!! She's trying but not quite there yet. I guess I should be glad for that. At least now she's within a foot of wherever I left her!!


  1. do like my family did. prop her against a wall and teach her to walk instead.crawling's overrated.might explain some things about me though?

  2. It looks like she's rolling around :) Adrien used to do that a lot & then one day out of the blue he just figured out how to crawl everywhere :) Morgan is so such a cutie:)
