Saturday, October 24, 2009

3 reasons we love October: Parties, Pumpkins & Painting!!

Our first event of the day was Tucker's 1st Birthday Party!! The weather was beautiful & the snacks were very yummy: hummus, apple cider & organic pumpkin muffins.
Morgan got to pick a pumpkin from "Tucker's Pumpkin Patch" & decorated it with stickers.

After a nap & a wardrobe change, we headed out to a 'Pumpkin Picking & Painting Party.' Morgan made a new friend, Daniella & a 4 legged one named Hunter.

Morgan is sure that Hunter would like some of her juice box. He almost takes her up on the offer.

Morgan picks a small half green, half orange pumpkin & Alysa helps her cut it off of the vine.

All the friends put on their fancy Hefty smocks & get ready to create Picasso's!

Morgan picked up a brush & painted like a pro.

She also painted the table, herself & me. At one point she was checking to see which color tasted the best.

The finished product was perfect. Just like my angel...

1 comment:

  1. Love the description of her painting. I'm sure it's proudly displayed in your house.
