Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Mother's Day to me!!

Morgan took a couple of bad tumbles right before Mother's Day. We took her to her pediatrician who recommended x-rays. The x-rays showed a small 'greenstick' fracture on the top of her left radius (forearm).
She was then sent to a pediatric orthopedic who recommended a cast. When they asked her what color, she said "pooh-pool."
The cast is not slowing her down a bit unfortunately. We are just waiting 'til she figures out it can double as a weapon. She hasn't exhibited any pain either luckily. She will have it for 4 weeks.


  1. it is so beautiful. she did very well in school today. and she told us it was purple... sweet little one...

  2. Sweet Morgan is so cute ! Still has a big smile with her cast on ! Sorry you had a stressful mother's day weekend ! If you need a MNO, we'll all be happy to have one soon ;)
